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 HAYASHI TECHNO Co.,Ltd. (following “our company”) promotes protection of personal information by defining privacy policy as follows, building the structure of protection of personal information, and making all workers put into practice recognition and the measure of the importance of protection of personal information.

Management of personal information

 In order that our company may maintain the visitor’s personal information at the exact and newest state and may prevent unlawful access, the loss, breakage, the alteration, disclosure, etc. to personal information,
Required measures, such as thoroughness of maintenance and the employee education of maintenance and governing structure of a security system, are taken, and safety measures are implemented and severe management of personal information is performed.

Private Information Use Purposes

Personal information kept for a customer shall be used for sending an e-mail, a material as a guide and a reply to your question.

Prohibition of disclosure, offer to a third party of personal information

Our company manages kept personal information from a customer appropriately, and shall not disclose personal information for a third party except in the case where it corresponds to either of the following.

Safety measures of personal information

We take perfect measures against security for accurate and safe securing of personal information

Inquiry of the person

When our customers request their personal information to be inquired, revised, or deleted, we will respond after confirming the person himself.

Compliance with laws and regulations and review

We observe Japanese laws and ordinances applied about holding personal information, and other norms, reviewing contents of this policy appropriately and we make an effort to act toward the improvement.